Full Planning Permission Gained for Pamber End

21st February, 2022

Pro Vision has successfully gained Full Planning Permission for our landowning client for a 13-unit residential development in the Hampshire village of Pamber End.
The scheme includes 5 affordable dwellings and a mix of dwellings including 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes. The scheme also includes over 1600sqm of on-site public open space, with biodiversity net gain secured via planting of a significant area of new woodland. 
The approval sought to rely on a previous, but lapsed, permission for 11 units, as well as the continued shortfall in 5-year housing land supply in Basingstoke and Deane Borough.
Pro Vision undertook all the architectural drawing and planning work and co-ordinated with other specialists. Our ecology team provided inputs on the biodiversity aspects of the project, including protected species.